25 April 2008

Travel Blog

This blog will be a way to record my experiences while I am in Europe this summer for six weeks. I am not sure who exactly will read this, but I'm doing this blog for myself and so that I will not forget all the memories and adventures! To those of you who find my blog through Mobility International: Welcome! I hope my writings will provide you with some insight on traveling in Europe. I hope it will also inspire you to pursue traveling/studying abroad as well.

Even as I write this I cannot believe that I will be in another country - continent - in less than three weeks! It is crazy, but I am siked to say the least. So for some basic info on my plans...I will be studying in Strasbourg, France for approx. a month and prior to my arrival in Strasbourg I am going on a Greek Isle Cruise and traveling in other parts of Europe as well.

This is my like thousandth time creating a blog, but I'm determined to stick to this one! I will add updates and more details about my plans in the next few days.

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