29 April 2008

Are You Willing to Take a Risk?

My decision to study/travel abroad was not made easily. I’ve researched and thought about studying abroad ever since my two older sisters went to Italy in college. When the time came though for me to make the final decision of whether to go abroad it was hard. I knew I really wanted to go, but it seemed unrealistic and too challenging.

I’ve traveled extensively in the U.S., but know little about Europe’s accessibility standards. I contemplated and was overwhelmed by all the details of traveling abroad with a disability. There seemed to be too much to figure out and plan in order for it to be relatively smooth and successful. I’m a planner through and through so all the arrangements made my head spin. I don’t like surprises. There was so much to do that I didn’t know where to begin. Since a lot of my research contradicted each other, I did not know what information on the Internet about accessibility I should believe. Which sites are the most reliable? Were people telling the absolute truth? One thing I know for sure is you cannot rely on everything you read online!

Everything seemed like a huge risk. I had to decide which would be better: to take the risk and go abroad but not know exactly how it would all unfold…or to play it safe and not pursue my dream of traveling to Europe. Since I’m a control freak, not being able to predict how it would work out was terrifying. I have made myself consider though the alternative: If I did not take this risk I would never know how it would have gone. I would have missed out on a wonderful, once in a lifetime opportunity.

Needless to say, I have decided to take the risk. I have decided to travel to countries I have never been to. I am taking a leap of faith and pursuing something I have thought about for years. I’m planning and researching as best as I can, but I’m accepting that there will be some surprises and challenges I have not anticipated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie, I suspect this will be a very interesting blog. You write well, and six weeks in Europe should provide a variety of topics. I am a former architect, well versed in accessibility issues, and wish you well on your adventure. I'm glad you decided to make the trip and write about it!