29 April 2008

Some Facts on Strasbourg

I will be studying at Robert Schuman University in Strasbourg, France for a month this summer (May 31-June 28). I’m taking an International Business course and a European Politics course. The classes are taught in English, thankfully since I do not speak French. I’m hoping to pick up some French though while I’m there.
Strasbourg is on the border of France and Germany, and from what I’ve read it has both a German and French culture. However, French is the dominant language. I have found different population stats for the city, but the most common was around 500,000 people. Strasbourg is home to many European Union institutions, so it is suppossedly pretty accessible. I’m hoping it is, but I guess I will have to wait and see for myself!
I found the particular program I am participating in through my university. It is an alternative to the “study tours” most students go on. This year I am the only person going through my college. Most students at my school go on study tours to various places around the world. The “study tours” are approximately three weeks long and the semester before students go a class is required on the history, language, and culture of the location(s). Professors act as tour guides on the trips. Italy, Spain, Vietnam, and South Africa are a few of the options available for students to choose from. I opted to go to Strasbourg because the fast paced tours did not seem like a good option for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoaa no way!!! thATS SO COOLLL!